Bulgaria | Information about our country |
Municipality of Shumen | The official website of Shumen's municipality |
Municipality of Varna | The official website of Varna's municipality |
Monument 1300 years Bulgaria | Monument "Creators of the Bulgarian country" |
National library "Dobri Voynikov" | "Dobri Voynikov" library - Shumen |
Shumensko Plateau | Shumensko Plateau Natural Park |
Shumen's stronghold | Shumen's stronghold on the top of the Shumen's Plateau |
Madara's horseman | Archeological monument Madara's horseman |
Tombul Mosque | The largest mosque in Bulgaria and among the largest on the Balkans |
Pliska | The first capital of Bulgaria |
Preslav | The capital of the First Bulgarian Empire |
"Shumen" - hotel | "Shumen" - hotel complex |