
A Regulations for the activity of the evening high school-Hr. Smirnenski during the 2006/2007 year.

Head 1. General situations
Article 1 The school effects the state politics in the area of the education.
Àrticle 2 The school offers instructional plans, programmes, a school appliances and forms of education in conformity with the need of the students.
Article 3 Offers, organize and arrange pedagogical experiments.
Article 4 Organize activities for development of the interests and the abilities of the students.
Article 5 Permits, organize and arranges individual forms of education agreed with ZNP.
Article 6 Its not allowed to lay the students ideological and religious doctrines.
Article 7 The school performs reception of students by confirm plan-reception, by the meaning of ZNP, PPZNP and ensures teaching to completing the educational instance.
Article 8 The school issues documents for completing a class, degree of education and a professional qualification of the intension on ZNP, PPZNP and normative documents of MON.
Head 2. A regimen of the school
Article 1 The school year begins at 15. 09. 2006 and the year is distributed in two terms:
-First term-15. 09. 2006-07. 02. 2007;
-Second term-12. 02. 2007-23. 05. 2007. On XII class-12. 02. 2007-30. 06. 2007. On IX, X, XI class;
-Christmas 23. 12. 2006-07. 01. 2007
-Terminable 08. 02. 2007-11. 02. 2007
-Spring 01. 04. 2007-09. 04. 2007
The pupils do not visit instructional lessons in non-attendance days for the country.
Article 2 instructional lessons happen in a timetable, affirmed by the principal. Without his/her permission it’s not allowed to make changes in the timetable.
Article 3 The school-hour starts and ends with tolling a bell. The instructional lessons begin as follows: second transformation -in 16h 45min.
Article 4 Students and teachers must be at school unlater from 10 minutes previously for their first instructional hour.
Article 5 Instructional hours are 40 minutes, interval are5 minutes. At license from the director of IO of MON and the director of the evening high-school instructional hours are 30 minutes.
Article 6 The school building is released by the pupils latest until 20 o'clock and 30 minutes.
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